Stack is on a mission to help solopreneurs grow their businesses while maintaining lifestyle, balance and flexibility. Stack provides a platform to license your business and earn passive income, without the need to hire employees.
Stack connects successful solopreneurs with ambitious beginners who want to start their own new businesses.
Each licensee will
Unlock passive, recurring income
course revenue
brand awareness
License your know-how, tools, and training to people who want to launch a business like yours, and receive a percentage of their revenue.
Stack takes care of platform, contracts, revenue distribution, and more.
Maximize revenue and impact with minimal time investment.
Fill out a short application telling us about your business.
- Our team will create your own personalized Stack landing page.
Review and approve page and jointly decide on a launch date.
Share the opportunity with your community.
We currently allow 5 licensees per business .
Pick your top 5 applicants.
Kick-off onboarding for your new licensees.
We understand how busy you are. Our team is here to help every step of the way.
Businesses who join Stack before September get free platform access.
Request below and we will reach out as soon as it’s available!
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